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July 26, 2024
Dear Diary,this is me writing in my diary for the first time since 6th grade I guess. The first question that comes to my mind now that why am I here ? But then other questions fall why am I writing in my diaries after all of these years ? Am I lone
July 26, 2024
Sunshine, He came back. Suddenly... After all these years of no contact. Why would he?  How am I feeling? I didn't reply and I don't want to. I hate him for coming back. Honestly, the moment I saw his message, the smallest doubt I had about u
July 27, 2024
How does your skin fit? Does it hang comfortably and wraps you just right around your bones? Hopefully there is no edges that are too loose or parts that are too tight. With luck, it is just your size. Hopefully you don't even feel like you are weari
For all the dreamers
Just something for all of you dreamers out there.  Nothing is impossible, because everything's possible. If you believe everything's impossible, you can't make anything possible. If you however believe that everything IS possible, then you can ma
July 25, 2024
Dear Diary, when l become, and singer and songwriter l don't want to have kids I'm not saying kids are not bad they're a blessing but I'm scary to be like my mom I'm think about it cause my mom to do all of that yelling just if I want to have kids wh
Today is July 25, 2024
Sometimes you love your job and sometimes you hate your job. Sometimes you absolutely love what you do for a living and sometimes you absolutely hate what you do for a living. No job is perfect. Mine's definitely not perfect. Mine's not perfect becau
July 25, 2024
I hate when someone tells me something that I know is ignorant or stupid, but I'm either not completely sure of the facts or my people pleasing habit gets in the way. It really only bothers me when they are so confident about their arguments too- eve
July 24, 2024
Dear Diary, How do I stop shopping??? Serious question.  How do I curb the desire for online shopping? Just had a fight/hard discussion with husband.  It suddenly dawned on him that he’s been putting extra money in the bill account an
1 Day To Go
Fastcraft sucks. And I was assigned to the tourist section so it was enclosed with air-conditioning. Can't feel the breeze on my face. Can't breathe the fresh ocean air. I was pretty lucky to be by the window seat but the pleasure it gave me was inco
Now it begins
Gosh, I really suck at writing these. I don't really know what I want to share with you guys. So instead of writing the usual gibberish, I'm just going to share the most important things about me. I'm dark-hairded brown-eyed slim-figured thirty-five
July 23, 2024
Dear ghost, I have hundreds of string that fears me. I tried snipping the strings as I sailed into the wild, but they always seem to grow within me. I sought the kindness of raging storms and silent deserts, but I always lost sherds of glee. I battl
July 22, 2024
Dear Diary, I know that we are so much more powerful than we think we are. Our minds are.  Somewhere inside I am destabilized. That's what my body is probably trying to tell me with the show up of all those physical symptoms that have no real
July 22, 2024
I woke up this morning with tears.  My heart was broken.  I just wanted to go somewhere.  I was focused on my life, on myself that led me to discontentment.  Until I decided to “crucify myself.”  I reminded myself that I am dead to myself but alive i
July 22, 2024
Dear Tom, Today, I realized that hard work doesn't always pay off. My roommate, who can't even solve easy-level questions, got a job and had an internship at Microsoft. She didn't do the projects herself but asked friends to do them for her. Desp
July 22, 2024
Dear Diary, it is with this day, that i decided to kill myself soon after my sons 10th birthday - in the first week of october 2024. I know, how selfish and weak that sounds - and it is. I am.  I have everything, one could wish for; a wonderful w