Lydia Rose 's Dear Diary

July 21, 2024
You know how hungry I am, give me your soul I'll prove it. You don't hear the wind howling around you, I know I have big teeth and your eye is openening, I'm sorry my love but I will eat you.  But come back near me, I can make you suffer a little mor
Jul 20
July 07, 2024
Avant toi, je portais dans mes yeux mes éclats de verre de mon coeur brisé. Avant toi, dans ma tête fractionné il y avait des rêves éveillé. Avant toi, c'était la façon dont je marchais, dont je parlais, dont j'existais.Avant toi, je me noyais, me pe
Jul 07
July 03, 2024
Dear Diary, Its coming up to that date again. People clapping for the fireworks always feels like some sick joke. Whatever. It comes around each year, just gotta get through it.  I miss you L.
Jul 03
June 28, 2024
Dear Diary, Happy 26th to me 🎉
Jun 28
June 01, 2024
You with your eyes the color of iron and your brilliant teeth,Like a grieving cobra you bite my heart while I sleep, Let the poison make its nest in the warmth of our bed, With fear and with luck we'll transform the mist into rain. Who cares if they
Jun 01
May 28, 2024
The old town, with it's slim, sinous roads paved with shining stones under the rain, grass sprouting in places between the rocks, with it's old houses so close that they're almost melting into one another, with the cathedral standing high above, over
May 28
May 26, 2024
Dear Diary, Right where my heart is, slightly to the left of my chest, I feel a cold hand burning, squeezing, clawing. It aches, and I'm terrorised. A ghostly hand with twisted fingers, belonging to some kind of demon that followed me from the v
May 26
May 01, 2024
Dear Diary, Another lovely migraine yesterday, definitely the worst one I've ever had, which is saying something. I genuinely wanted to die, fuck the pain was just... Worse than ever I guess.  It crept up on me, and in like 20 minutes it was ov
May 01
April 21, 2024
Dear Diary,  I closed the door on the good lord and renounced any piety the day my ideal was pronounced as only a dream. Maybe in my nuance I lost the scraps of certainty I could've leaned on. Sometimes I condemn my own doubts, how easy it would all
Apr 21
April 13, 2024
On volera tout ces riches ensemble... 🎶
Apr 13
April 08, 2024
I suppose I forever will be seduced by pretty words, no matter the thorns that come with.
Apr 08
March 23, 2024
You, with your feathered wings as brash as bark and your heart a soft big thing.Me, body devoid of angles, my pointed soul sharp and hiding.  Peeking through your fingers, your polished smile for once cracked and bent,A wrinkle as intruder on my stoi
Mar 23
March 21, 2024
Dear Diary,  I've noticed I'm having a hard time looking at myself in the mirror. Sometimes I catch a glimpse and my whole body cringes. Some days I find myself ugly, some days ok, some days even pretty. But lately, I find myself avoiding that dilemm
Mar 21
March 10, 2024
My Dear,  You, with your ashen face matching the rainy clouds, with your red eyes reflecting the suns, with your golden palms stretching out and molding the world, you, with lightning coursing across your back, how you will shake when your hands hold
Mar 10
March 03, 2024
It was worse than I could've ever imagined. I'm pretty sure I won't see my sister for a while. I fucking hate myself.
Mar 03