IsItMe?'s Dear Diary

August 21, 2020
Dear Diary, So had sex with my boyfriend and when we finished I laid on him for a second and he mumbled something about being heavy. I asked him wtf he said. I had to ask him 3 times, he finally said "your pu**y is heavy" i think he is full of c
Aug 21
August 20, 2020
Dear Diary, he is coming to visit today. I left to go on a mini vacation away from life to try to get my thoughts together. Well today he is coming to see me. He left work and is headed straight down. Its a two and a half hour drive. Im nervous.
Aug 20
August 20, 2020
Dear Diary, I know you get tired of me but shoot what else are you here for? To listen to me complain!🤣 so today I finally freaking threw up. Every since I found out my boyfriend cheated on my i have had this feeling of needing to throw up but
Aug 20
August 18, 2020
Dear Diary, Why do i keep torturing myself? I keep asking my boyfriend questions that I know the answers will hurt me. I want the answers tho. If I don't know the answers it will drive me crazy. I found out today he has better conversations with
Aug 18
August 18, 2020
Dear Diary, I have so much hate but up. I dont know where to begin. I started cutting myself again like I used to years ago. Its stupid. Why do I do it? I do it because the physical pain is so much better than the emotional pain. I wanna go into
Aug 18
August 17, 2020
Dear Diary, I HATE MYSELF. I don't feel like im good enough. I dont wanna exist. Why am I here. Everytime I think I'm starting to maybe slowly get over what my boyfriend did i start to really think about it all over again. How do k make it go aw
Aug 17
August 16, 2020
Dear Diary,   Well this is my first page. I wanted somewhere to go so I could tell someone else and nobody know who I am. Maybe even get replys.  My life is a disaster and I dont know what to do. My fiance has been talking to other women online a
Aug 16