CalleeGee's Dear Diary

September 03, 2021
Dear Diary, I took my medicine today, and I feel pretty clear headed, and less suicidal than usual.  I had a dream about a demon breaking out in my head. The demon was surrounded by a gold light, and it hatched out of a brain tumor, and told
Sep 03
August 25, 2021
Dear Diary, I think I will need to find my bunny a new companion. The one we just lost, she was obsessed with him, and followed him everywhere, grooming him constantly. He LOVED it. Now he's lonely, and I can't give him constant attentuon 24/7.
Aug 25
August 24, 2021
Dear Diary, Well, it's no secret that I've been struggling with depression and suicidal ideation. I wasn't ready to handle much of anything. Today, my beloved rabbit passed away. Husband is out of town, and it's just been me and my animals.
Aug 25
August 24, 2021
TW: Suicidal ideation Dear Diary, Sometimes I fall asleep feeling hopeless, wishing that I will never wake up. Sometimes I plan my death. It would be so simple. I'm on many medicatioms. I tell myself, I need to feed my dogs, and my r
Aug 24
August 23, 2021
Dear Diary, I am forging a new kind of relationship with my sister. I have three sisters, but she is the only one I would speak to regularly, because she would call me. But, she has stopped calling me. Other sisters are either busy or not ph
Aug 23
August 20, 2021
Dear Diary, Everyone has characters in their neighborhood. When I was growing up, we had "The Walker". We never bothered to ask her name. She walked everywhere, muttering under her breath, or sometimes yelling. She argued with her mother who was
Aug 20
August 19, 2021
CW: Suicidal Ideation & Pot Dear Diary, I have OCD, which I know most people think means I clean a lot, or am very tidy or meticulous, and that I don't like pictures hanging crooked on the wall. Well, I am fairly tidy, but nobody likes crook
Aug 19
August 18, 2021
Dear Diary I am glad to have one friend. One friend might be enough. We met online, and have a lot in common. We were very open with eachother about the fact that we both needed a friend, and we just said, "Hey, we can be friends," just like that
Aug 18
August 16, 2021
High Fantasy Once upon a time there was a person who did not like to touch people, and also mostly did not like to be touched. One day someone offered to shake hands, and this person did not shake hands, because shaking hands is weird and outdated. T
Aug 16
August 15, 2021
Dear Diary, Sometimes I feel worried about the future, or guilty. I live far away from my family, so I don't see them often. Once Or twice a year, I see them, or they come and see me. I haven't really been there to see my now-adult nephew gr
Aug 15
August 14, 2021
Dear Diary, I got this lovely little green sopranissimo ukulele (AKA pocket uke!). It's about 17 inches long. Just a tiny thing, but a great sound. I gave it ADF#B. My concert uke and banjolele are both in GCEA. I got them years ago, but I haven
Aug 14
August 13, 2021
Dear Diary, It's hard to meet friends when we've all been isolated for so long. I think it's weird, anyway, that adults don't even seem to like making new friends. Most people prefer to just stagnate in their social comfort zone.  I moved to
Aug 13
August 12, 2021
Dear Diary, All the ire right now surrounding food for me is due to my body's current reactions to food, and my disappointment over it. On top of that, I can't deal with one more eye roll, or, "Have you tried not thinking about it, and eating it
Aug 12
August 11, 2021
Talkin' About Gluten Intolerance I just want to talk about why gluten is such an emotional subject for a lot of people, including myself. I have strong feelings about this, and they must get out! When I was a kid, I learned about evolution, and thoug
Aug 11
August 11, 2021
Dear Diary, Ah yes, this is exactly the app I was looking for. Something anonymous but social. Thank you TOD. I will make this my new Journaling home. ❤
Aug 11