Mind of a Menace 's Dear Diary

January 19, 2023
Dear Diary, I had an okay morning today. It wasn't the best, but it was better than some mornings I've had already. I'm trying to be more positive, more confident. I said I was going to start some new hobbies. Like reading, maybe finding a sport
Jan 19
January 18, 2023
Dear Diary, Hey GUYS! Miss me? LOL I was off Monday And Tuesday. Those are pretty good days. First of all I ABSOLUTELY HATE MONDAYS, Tuesdays are okay but nahhh, I like my schedule. Notice anything different today? I'm not so moody, I'm more up
Jan 18
January 15, 2023
Dear Diary, A wounded animal is the most dangerous animal!  - Don't let that go over your heads.....
Jan 15
January 15, 2023
Dear Diary, Let's see ... Where do I start? This was one of the most horrible weeks I've had in my entire life. It's like everything goes wrong even when you're trying to be so " positive " about everything! I don't want anyone to feel like I'm
Jan 15
January 14, 2023
Dear Diary, It really sucks working somewhere you don't want to. I am really not a social person, and the fact that I picked the worst two careers of my life is so sad. Nursing and security. I hate talking to people, I hate being questioned, I d
Jan 14
January 14, 2023
Dear Diary, I feel as though Idk myself anymore, I sit and pretend like I do, just to make myself feel better. I sit and think about how happy I was years ago and all the excitement I had in my life and ask myself were they my motivation? Or was
Jan 14
January 14, 2023
Dear Diary, It's a brand new year! Why am I not happy? I could say it's from self-sabotage, but it's like the things I want don't want me. Even if god feels like something isn't right for us at the moment, why does it feel right? Or why would he
Jan 14