Strangerdanger's Dear Diary

March 11, 2023
It’s Saturday. Woke up early and went to the farmers market with my babydoll and our dog. It was a really good morning. I’ve been trying to get out more and do things, some days  I really don’t want to but I need to for my kiddo. I’ve been struggling
Mar 11
February 18, 2023
Haven’t been on in a while. Things have been ok, the meds have been helping and I have clearer thoughts which is great. But now my loneliness feels real. I like to be alone but I also don’t like being alone. There’s no point in dating, most people ar
Feb 19
November 19, 2022
Actually had a great day yesterday, work meeting/training was actually beneficial to me in regard to having hard conversations I know I need to have. Woke up at 4am again today though, I can never sleep in. Working my 2nd job today but I don’t really
Nov 19
November 17, 2022
Another day down. You know, I often think about suicide, but I couldn’t imagine the pain I would bring to the people I love so dearly if I took my own life. I couldn’t imagine putting them through so much heartbreak and sadness. I know this heartbrea
Nov 18
November 16, 2022
Had my therapy session today with Megan. You know, she’s the first female therapist that I’ve actually liked. We’re holding off on EMDR since the first session was too much for me. Instead we’re going to work on my dissociation. She gave me an assess
Nov 17
November 15, 2022
I haven’t had many emotions lately other than sadness, I need to take a break. I’ve been thinking about what I want for my future and what kind of person I’d like to be. I’m just so tired. Tired of working my ass off and tired of being me. I know I n
Nov 16
November 14, 2022
It’s Monday. I am absolutely exhausted and I’m working a 24hr shift today. I feel a lot better mentally though, I think haha. The weather feels amazing this morning. Let’s hope I stay in high spirits.
Nov 14
November 13, 2022
It’s currently 127am and I’m still wide awake. This insomnia kills me. I haven’t smoked in a while just cuz the last time it gave me severe anxiety thinking about how much I think I’m fucking up. I feel like I’m spiraling a bit and I’m on the outside
Nov 13