Mrscrow's Dear Diary

July 09, 2024
Dear Diary,  Hello hello. I'm at mr crows house we are just settling in and getting high.
Jul 09
May 28, 2024
Dearest of Diaries, hello yes I know you’re probably asking me what am I doing… at mr crows house twice in one day. Well I was home right, sipping my 4th rum and smoking my cigarettes when I decided to text mr crow and  I just wanted to see if he was
May 28
May 28, 2024
Dear Diary, I won  $250 at the pokies.
May 28
May 28, 2024
Dear Diary,I told my self I wouldn’t get drugs today. I told myself that I’m better than that. That I’m a better person without it. But I caved. I know that I’m going to Sydney on the 2nd of June from Brisbane where I reside and going on this health
May 28
May 28, 2024
Dear Diary, just got maccas coming home from me crows house again
May 28
May 28, 2024
Dear Diary, just sitting in traffic
May 28
May 14, 2024
Dear Diary, okay. The saga continues I’m at Mr crows house
May 14
May 07, 2024
Dear Diary, Well.. Mr crow chose the drugs.
May 07
May 02, 2024
Dear Diary, I just got some beers from the bottle shop and cask of wine for after in the freeezer . After my appointment I came home to mum softly snoring from her bedroom, so I blazed my pipe and played some pokies on my phone. Now I’m out side at
May 02
May 02, 2024
Dear Diary, my mental health team are meeting me in 10 mins at my doctors. I have to get my needle for schizophrenia. I’ll let you know how it goes. X
May 01
May 01, 2024
Dear Diary, Yeah so I’m sitting outside like I wanted to earlier. Sipping wine (golden oak- fruity). The sun has gone down and stars a pitter pattering the sky. Listening to me and you by Cassie. Kicking it old school.  I’ll let you know when I’m
May 01
May 01, 2024
Dear Diary, Just laying in his bed with my headphones on just chilling and relaxing my body. My hair is in a bun at the back and my fringe is out today. I’m wearing a knitted black mini dress.  Mr crow is wearing a singlet and then as he puts i
Apr 30
May 01, 2024
Dear Diary,  good morning! i couldn’t sleep, not with hotness right beside me. I must of worked him hard because he slowly drifted to sleep. I was obsessed with playing the pokies on my phone. Literally won $300 but could only withdraw $20. So rigge
Apr 30
May 01, 2024
Dear Diary, okay the taste of love is sweet also warm and wet.  So I made it safely. It was lightly raining here so he ran out with an umbrella. Then the gate to his mansion opens with a click of a button. So I walk in and make myself comfortable
Apr 30
May 01, 2024
Dear Diary, Omg. Guess what? I ordered a driver and I’m on my way to mr crows house. He sounded so soft, sultry and completely sexy over the phone asking how far away I am from his house. Salty. I have a lady driver. I asked to stop into the 7/11 o
Apr 30