Mrscrow's Dear Diary

At it again
Dear Diary, I wish people would pay me. I'll give it a go.
Jan 31
It's funny
Dear Diary, It's funny... How I miss you.  How I make bad decisions but they always lead me straight to you. No matter what path I travel bumpy, hallow, rocky you are always there at the end.  Unscathed.  Smirking at me.  Like I'm a warrior
Jan 28
Naughty one
Dear Diary, I feel promiscuous.  Thoughts are real.  So you must be here with me.  Watching me, touch myself.
Jan 28
Bad girl
Dear Diary, I feel absent. As if the thought of you being with me would fill me up with some presence. As if I'm vacant and you would inherit my body. Making me feel some way, some sort of good. When I dont feel good at all. Bad.  I'm a bad girl.
Jan 28
High again
Dear Diary, Hey again or should I say high again. It sucks that you cant go to a hospital even in an emergency if have done drugs. The Australian government sucks man. Dude I literally only say this because I'm up at the hospital with my poor s
Dec 10
Snail trail
Dear Diary, I miss sitting in the long grass. I miss the insects I would spy on.  I miss seeing the trails a snail would leave on the cement ground outside my front door. I miss catching the grasshoppers green 💚 and brown 🤎 big and small. I miss
Dec 02
Bubblegum bitch
Dear Diary,  I miss the taste of raspberry bubble gum. I miss chewing it over and over again. Fitting as many pieces into my mouth until my cheeks would hurt. I miss you, too brother. My raspberry kiss.
Dec 02
Dear Diary, Mum just text me saying no to visiting her in hospital apparently I gave her a bug. I have a minor cold. Nothing drastic. Surely she wouldn't of gotten it.  I little asthmatic cough with a bit of a drippy nose. That's it. Oh well.  Now
Dec 01
The rising sun
Dear Diary, the moon drops from the sky, and sun burns bright thick beams of sun light as yellow as honey chases the shadows from my mind. Leaving not a doubt in my mind about him. I did want him tonight. He was even here with me. But I chose to play
Dec 01
Hi, I'm high
Note to self: get some more.
Dec 01
Im ying your yang
Dear Diary,  I like the ever changing tide in your eyes. How when they become blue icy glaciers from the coldest parts of time and how when sometimes you look at me they melt and cascading droplets of beads slowly slide down your cheeks as if they m
Dec 01
Notes in the sky
Dear Diary, I'm talking about someone new.  I thought about him all day. My heart sings for him. He whistles the same tune.
Nov 07
Open enough
Dear Diary,  Hello hello. I'm at mr crows house we are just settling in and getting high. The last time we spoke he got angry at me for taking the bag of meth as he forgot he gave to me. He rang me up and then hung up on me whilst I was sitting in th
Jul 09
Flying high in the sky
Dear Diary,Hey! I'm back from the beautiful Sydney!!  I lost almost 6kg. Yay! I'm just sitting out the back drinking my last rum of six. I blazed my way to 4:00am in the morning. Mums not home to ight, she at the hospital with a migraine, so I picke
Jun 25
Once again
Dear Diary, I kissed the tip. I strolled my tongue around the top of his penis
May 28