Ppamu's Dear Diary

August 14, 2024
Dear Diary, God really is there.. coming and be glorified above our worship.. Really, God is there and we can feel His presence.... May we worship God with all of our heart... lift our heart to Him... shout and cry for Him...He really is King.. He
Aug 14
August 14, 2024
Dear Diary, im doing my job.. and i feel happy to be a part of Christ's body... witnessing all of the workers doing their job too in each special and different fields.. different personalities that completes each mission in Christ.. Halelujah....
Aug 14
August 14, 2024
Dear Diary, im praying for my mother in law... she has been tough and patience for a very long time... May God protects her always, physically and also mind and spiritually... She works dilligently and perseverancely for God's kingdom.. May God ble
Aug 14
August 08, 2024
Dear Diary, im so happy... i always thought, in these messed up modern world, are there still workers for Christ.... who loves Him so much, that we work in this world for one day to be reunited in heaven glorifying God together.... a place to rest
Aug 08
August 08, 2024
Dear Diary, Spiritual warfare is real isnt it... im certain there are spirits in this world who hates Christ very much....  One day, i talked about Christ to a soul... every soul is precious and dear to Christ alright..... Then this sudden whirlw
Aug 08
August 02, 2024
Dear Diary, my worries often try to get me in my head.. bad whispers often try to put me down.. sometimes it urges me to hate... sometimes it urges me to create heart of stone.. then urges me to do violence but...  things are happier when i chos
Aug 02
August 02, 2024
Dear Diary, things arent always flowing as how we want isnt it.. sudden surprises often made me stunned for a little while, again i remember, im still striving in this world.. waiting in line for Father to take me to heaven..  So.... my though
Aug 02
August 01, 2024
Dear diary, to have another day means another chance right.. does it means God still trust me and give me mission to do..? im happy.. May i fulfill God's mission in my life.. and pleased God's heart, Amen..
Aug 01
July 31, 2024
Dear Diary, i want to tell a story in my life.. one day a mean fake friend humiliated me for 7 months straight... She made my peers hated me by false gossips But.. God gives me the honor and raised my life up in front of my peers and her and every
Jul 31
July 31, 2024
Dear Diary, There are lots of times.. where there are helps no way we received rather than from God.. But He really miraculously helps us.. Even in helpless times.. i shall never let go my hopes in You.. Thank you God.. i want to walk under your
Jul 31
July 31, 2024
Dear Diary, God just helped me through an IT thing.. omg.. can you imagine..i have no IT background.. but how.. Its too wonderful... Thank you Lord
Jul 31