Cyclamen🌸's Dear Diary

March 13, 2022
Dear Diary, Things have been weird lately. I've been ok. Really. But I can't help feeling strange. Everything feels strange. I almost cringe at everything. I cringe at myself.  Suddenly I want attention from people. I used to hate it but why
Mar 13
March 12, 2022
Dear Diary, So about my birthday... i can't believe it's almost finished. I literally did nothing today. Just scrolled down social medias. I wish there was something to be memorable of. a good memory. But at the end of the day all I have is the
Mar 12
March 11, 2022
Dear Diary, Few minutes before my birthday. It doesn't feel right. I'm getting one year older. It all happened in a blink of an eye. How does time pass so quickly? Memories are breaking into my mind like a river erosion.  It doesn't real
Mar 11
March 10, 2022
Disappointment. This is what I can describe. Upset fulness. This is what I feel. Anger. This is what I see.  "I don't care" this is what i say.  Imagine having a friend who you loved more than anything. Imagine him betraying you. imagine him blam
Mar 10
March 09, 2022
Dear Diary, What to say? What to complain about? I'm just a immature soul who doesn't know how to accept things. I take a lot of things personally which usually people don't. I don't tell anyone about it but I get hurt. I just keep it in. They h
Mar 09
March 09, 2022
Dear Diary, Expecting is the worst thing you can do. Expectation destroys everything. That's why today I'm so hopeless yet I want to hope for something better but "expectation hurts" specially from people.  I don't really expect anything from t
Mar 09
March 08, 2022
Dear Diary, Reality hurts you know?  Have you ever been in a position where daydreaming is the only thing you can do? Feels so good! It's like your lost in a little rush of euphoria. You're smiling, you're laughing-thinking of those fake scenarios
Mar 08
March 08, 2022
Dear Diary, I was feeling better for a few days.. but today suddenly, All of a sudden I felt so tired like the world has drained me everything every energy I had.  All of a sudden I feel so tired. Tired of everything,sick of everything. At the sam
Mar 08