GIML Chapter 2.4


God in My Life....

My Luminous Mysteries....

Chapter 2.4....

Transfiguration & History Major.... 

My transition to having my History Major in college was like the 4th Luminous Mystery - The Transfiguration. From His ordinary appearance, Jesus Christ transformed into something as bright as the sun. From being a common college student w/ a single major, I transitioned into something extraordinary.

It is said that bearing a Double Major in college is not common. Most college students would graduate with a single major only. That was not the case for me.

I graduated from the University of the Philippines in 2009 with Double Majors - Broadcast Communication & History. Soon, I became a broadcaster in both private (RMN-Roxas) & public (CPPB) broadcast media, but only for a very short period of time - 1 month in the former (November 2009) & about 2 months in the latter (December 2009-February 2010). God would later transform me from a broadcaster into a teacher.
