GIML Chapter 2.3


God in My Life....

My Luminous Mysteries....

Chapter 2.3....

Proclaiming Kingdom & Islam....

My encounter with Islam for the rest of my college life was like the 3rd Luminous Mystery - The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ proclaimed it through parables & miracles. I also proclaimed God's Kingdom, but in a different way.

It all started when I was able to read an English version of the Quran from our library. Islam was also my main topic in my Journalism 101 & Communication 3 subjects during my 2nd year in college. By 3rd year, I learned more about this religion in my History 153 & DC 141 subjects.

Finally in my 4th Year College, my research paper or thesis in our BC 185 subject became entitled "Perceptions of UPV Miagao Students towards Muslims Based on Television Programs". And in my Literature 140 subject, my report was about "Midnight's Children" which is a novel pertaining to Muslims again. Through Islam, I proclaimed God's Kingdom.
