Part 1 (3)


Thank you for your kind words, my friend. But let's not forget why we agreed to have this conversation with each other. I want us to talk about much more important things. I want us to talk about love and the opposite of love, gratitude and the opposite of gratitude, truth and the opposite of truth, life and the opposite of life. I want us to talk about things that matter more than my own personal values. So let's just start this conversation with things that truly matter in life, like let's say love. I want you to tell me everything you know about love, and perhaps, if you are up for it as well, I want you to tell me everything you know about the opposite of love. I think that the world deserves to know what you know. So share this knowledge you have with me, and with the world, and surprise me, and surprise the world. 


So be it, Robert,

I'll tell you about love

and I'll tell you about hatred. 

You need to understand that love is not just love, for love is also everything that's bound and connected to love, and you need to understand that hatred is not just hatred, for hatred is also everything that's bound and connected to hatred. In no way love is connected to hatred, and in no way hatred is connected to love, because love is the opposite of hatred, and hatred is the opposite of love. A man who hates with all of his heart is a man who cannot love with all of his heart, and a man who loves with all of his heart is a man who cannot hate with all of his heart. A man who is consumed by hatred cannot be surrounded by love, and a man who is surrounded by love cannot be consumed by hatred. Do you understand this, do you understand what I am trying to tell you here? What I am trying to tell you here is that I am connected to love and everything that's bound and connected to it, and what I am trying to tell you here is that my opposition is connected to hatred and everything that's bound and connected to it. I cannot be connected to hatred, and my opposition cannot be connected to love. So, when a man chooses love and thus chooses everything that's bound and connected to it, he chooses to be connected to me, and when a man 

chooses hatred and thus chooses everything that's bound and connected to it, he chooses to be connected to my opposition. So, the more a man chooses to be connected to me, the brighter he can become, and of course, the more a man chooses to be connected to my opposition, the darker he can become. Why? Because he allows hatred and thus my opposition to enter his life and remain there until it completely consumes him. A man who allows hatred completely to consume him is not a man anymore. He becomes a hateful man, an angry man who envies and hates on everything and everyone. If a man however chooses to be connected to me, he chooses love and thus everything that is love, and that does not consume him with hatred, but surrounds him with love. What he becomes is a joyful man, a man who doesn't hate and a man who doesn't envy anyone. That's why love is much better choice, because my opposition

 waits on all of us to make a worse choice and choose hatred instead. And that's not all that hatred does to you. Hatred also does many other things to you, like keeps you away from the person you are meant to be with, destined to be with, and thus destined to spend the rest of your life with. Your soulmate. The more you hate, the lesser is a chance for you to meet your soulmate, and the more you love, the bigger is a chance for you to meet your soulmate. And the reason why this is true is because love is universal and hatred is not universal. When you allow yourself to be consumed by hatred you allow the opposition of love to keep you and push you away from your soulmate. When you allow yourself to be surrounded by love, you allow love to lead you and push you towards your soulmate. AND that's the reason why the world allows that there's so much negativity in your world, because the negativity in 

your world makes all the people hateful. They are hateful and they aren't even aware of how hateful they are. They hate on everything and they hate on everyone, and yet pretend to love on everything and to love on everyone. No man wants to admit that he is consumed by hatred. No man wants to admit he is not surrounded by love. No man wants to admit that some other man is right and he is wrong. And that's how my opposition controls on everything. Because there's lack of love in your world and rise of hatred. So you see now what's the difference between love and hatred? Love sets you free of the burden of hatred, while hatred only consumes you and destroy everything that's beautiful in your mind, in your heart, and in your soul.

 And when your mind is destroyed, your heart is destroyed, and your soul is destroyed, then so is your life. Many people are not aware of the danger that is hatred, and sadly many people are not aware of freedom that is love, and that's why they rather choose danger that is hatred than they choose freedom that is love. And because they choose hatred over love, they are allowing my opposition to take complete control over their lives with all the negativity of this world they choose to consume. And that leads them in the direction I did not choose for them to take

 in their lives. Instead of finding their true purpose, they never find their true purpose, instead of finding their true meaning, they never find their true meaning, and instead of finding their true calling, they never find their true calling. Instead of finding their true selves, they never get to find their true selves. Because the truth is, I give a gift to every soul I send to your world, I bless every soul with a gift before I send it to your world. But many souls get lost in life and thus do not 

find their gifts. Instead of choosing freedom from negativity, they choose negativity, instead of choosing freedom, they choose captivity of negativity and thus choose crime. No man is sent to your world to commit crime. That's the work of my opposition who wants to eradicate love from your world. And sadly love is being eradicated from your world. And that sadly means that my opposition is winning over your world. Do not think my opposition does not exist, because it does exist. And for as long as there's love in your world so will I. So be loving, be compassionate, be generous, be humble, be selfless, be respectful, be grateful, and be kind. Always choose love, because when you choose love, you also choose ME.         


