Tomorrows and Todays's Dear Diary

Where y at ?
If you are brave enough to ask a question, I always answer to your question.  My life is your life, your life is your life, and thus my experience of life is my experience of life, and your experience of life is your experience of life. There's n
Sep 07
Lies and truths
The whole world's a stage. Some people are just good at acting and thus great at pretending that everything's okay with them and their lives are okay, while other people are just bad at acting and thus terrible at pretending that everything's okay wi
Sep 06
The importance of team
So you want to make a tremendous difference in the world, and you thus want to change the world, and thus become the change you wish to see in the world? Let me tell you something you don't already know. You can make tremendous difference in the worl
Sep 05
How to be grateful
If you are reading this, that probably means that you like my entries, or better said, my own reflections I choose to share with the world. Now, I want you to imagine something. If you imagine it properly, it will change your life. I know this, becau
Sep 05
Preciousness of Life
Time. Isn't it precious? Every second, every minute, every hour, every day. We don't really know how much time we have left on this world, do we? We don't really know when the journey we call life's going to end for us. And that's why we have to live
Sep 04
Success for a lifetime
Let me tell you something about the game of life. The game of life is hard. The game of life is not easy. The game of life is definitely not easy. But is it worth it? Hell yeah, it's worth it. It's worth it, because once you do manage to win it, you
Sep 04
Why I learn
The more you learn, the more you know, the less you learn, the less you know. Life is all about learning. If you don't learn in life and if you don't learn about life, you know nothing about life. If you do learn in life and if you do learn about lif
Sep 04
What's a Soulmate
Your soulmate is your soulmate, and my soulmate is my soulmate. Your soulmate cannot be my soulmate, and my soulmate cannot be your soulmate. There is a person out there who is meant for you, and there is a person out there who is meant for me too. T
Sep 04
Your eyes
You cannot see through my eyes what only I can see through my eyes, and I cannot see through your eyes what, only you can see through your eyes. Your eyes are different from mine. Your eyes are unique in their own special way, just like my eyes are u
Sep 02
August 31, 2024
When the world wants you to lie to the rest of the world, don't lie to the rest of the world, but tell the truth to the rest of the world. Because you see, the more of the truth you share with the rest of the world, the more connected you are to the
Aug 31
Millions of miles away. Millions of miles away.
Aug 29
This is going to be a long one. You can choose to believe it or not to believe it. I know it's hard to accept the truth that's right in front of your face and thus right in front of your eyes. I've been there.  Do what matters and stop doing what
Aug 01
Few bucks to my name
Life is all about learning, my friend. For, the more you learn about life, the more you know about life, the less you learn about life, the less you know about life. You can't win the game of life if you know nothing about life, you can win the game
Jul 31
Let's do the math
Let us do the Math here. If you study 1 hour a day that's 30 hours a month of studying. If you study 2 hours a day that's sixty hours a month of studying. If you study 3 hours a day that's ninety hours a month of studying. If you study 4 hours a day
Jul 31
Today is July 31, 2024
The whole world's a stage, my friend. Some people are great actors and thus know how to act, while other people are terrible actors and thus do not know how to act. Some people know how to pretend, while other people do not know how to pretend. I hav
Jul 31