August 17, 2024


I feel great!

Hi Future Josh,

I completed 100% of my tasks yesterday, and even more. I spent 8 hours working (instead of 5); completed and sent the 3 papers to Selam; edited and sent Rose's paper; and completed obliterated temptations. and this is 3 days streak of these writings.

Okay. I don't think I should have started like that way. How are you doing? All that success must feel like a perpetual drug seeping into your system - that's exactly how I feel now.

Anyway, do you think I can sustain it? I don't know if I can.

I went to play basketball today, and I feel great, but I don't feel like working. I think the reason is that I don't feel like under any kind of pressure. But I've heard someone say doing the work consistently is the key to success. You are someone known for consistency, how did you achieve that? How do you keep working even in times when you don't feel like, or you don't have to? How long did it take me to become you in terms of consistency?

Anyway, I feel like just enjoying the day and not doing any work, but I don't think I'll do that. I'll still set time for work, no matter how small. 3 hours isn't bad. That feels like a lot though. 3 hours is a lot. I did 8 yesterday, but 3 hours today... Okay.

My tasks for today: by the end of the day,

  • I'll have completed 3 hours of work
  • Defeated lust
  • Gone halfway on the proposal about vaccine acceptance in Agbor

It's 11:24am now. I've just turned on focus mode on my phone. 3 hours of work, here we go. Did I say this is 3 days streak... :) #FeelingGreat; #ProductiveDay; #100PercentSuccess; #ConsistencyIsKey; #DailyMomentum; #GoalAchievement; #StayingFocused
