Today is July 25, 2024


Sometimes you love your job and sometimes you hate your job. Sometimes you absolutely love what you do for a living and sometimes you absolutely hate what you do for a living. No job is perfect. Mine's definitely not perfect. Mine's not perfect because I decide who to keep and who to throw away, I decide who stays and who gets fired. And that's one of the toughest jobs 

in the world. I get to choose who stays and who gets thrown outside. It's not easy when the guy has family to support. It's a whole lot easier if the guy is a backstabber, even if he as well has family to support. I love guys who love their families, and I hate guys who love their families but are willing to backstab as many people as possible to get ahead. 

Idiots actually think they can get away with it, that nobody's ever going to notice what they're doing. Well, today I learnt something about someone. A viscious backstabber who loves to stab people in the back. I know that some people in my position love these type of individuals, and actually praise them. But I am not one of them. I hate these people, because they push themselves ahead, and leave everyone else 

behind them. And THAT is something I DON'T tolerate and I'll never tolerate. And the reason why I won't is, because I was backstabbed many times by some seemingly very trustworthy people, before I arrived where I am today. I had to go through so many obstacles thanks to them, I can't ever remember the number anymore. And to be frank, there's someone in this story who reminds me of me, reminds me of my start. And I don't want him to suffer because 

of some asshole who thinks it's okay to stab people in the back. And so, there's no debate here. If I have to choose between my guy and that bastard, I'm always going to choose my guy. I am however going to wait for a day or two to see, if he has the guts to do something I want him to do. See, he doesn't know this yet, but I want him to do something that's going to expose him completely in front of everyone. 

You don't know this and neither does he, but I was straight A student and still am when it comes to Dark Pyschology. I am Master when it comes to it. I know of all the inner and outer workings of a human mind. So basically I know how everything works. And I can see his act from a mile away. His emotional manipulations. The thing is that everyone loves this backstabber and not everyone loves my guy. If I just 

fire his ass, everyone's going to hate my guy, but if I make him expose his ass, everyone's going to love my guy. There has to be a reason. In my line of work, there always has to be a reason. Without reason, there's 'damaging intent', and with this 'damaging intent', he may as well get away with it. I hate it,

 because he has family to support. But if family matters less than his work, then he deserves it. I love honest workers, because I was once honest worker, and I hate dishonest workers, because I was once the victim of dishonest workers. I believe that honest workers deserve to have their chance more than dishonest workers do.   
