Dear Diary, when l become, and singer and songwriter l don't want to have kids I'm not saying kids are not bad they're a blessing but I'm scary to be like my mom I'm think about it cause my mom to do all of that yelling just if I want to have kids when l grown up l will be good mother one day I'm just tired of people compared us to our mother l don't want to be like her one she is very judgmental and two she says harsh things she always expect to be like her but I'm never ever being like her if I had a daughter or son trying to figure out how could l rise them to be nice people and caring people you know and teach them about as well put she or him to a good school like back I n 2023 l was 14 years old and I never told her l didn't like the key board she was really upset when they come home from school I want to cook for make them cookies desserts and with hugs and kiss spending time with them taking days being a singer welcome love and affection spend more quality time with them and sing some of my songs take them out like use do with me and my sister and when they have kids one l want to the best grandma because on my mom side her mom aka our grandma she was very mean to me and sister she had her moments sometime she was nice lot time she was mean so star talking back to her I didn't like how she was treating us so I got in trouble with my mom went to McDonald they ate ice cream in front of my face teach them to write songs any