November 18, 2022


Dear World,

I have read so so many diet books. There are so many out there! What I have noticed about each and every one of them though is that they are all written by people that have never been considered obese. Or even morbidly obese. Well except one. The name of the book is Fett Logik, written in germanby Nadja Hermann . If it was ever translated in other languages I don't know I would have to ask google. 

It was a big hype when it cmae out cause the writer weighed in at 150 kilos. You don't hear much about the author anymore now though. All the other diet books I either have loaned from the library or have on my shelf that I have read most of the authors where considered "just" over weight. Don't get me wrong. You can feel crappy with just a little excess weight just like I feel crappy with my way to much weight, I have just come to my personal conclusion that with as much weight that I need to lose and the mind games I play with myslef and the self sabatoge I need a world of different stratagies than non-obese dieters, and I am the only person in this world that can come up with the stratagies. For I am the one that needs to impliment them. I am the one that needs to see oh here you want to go again you need to do xyz so you won't start or so that you can stop. 

Weight loss is highly personal. I know 100 ways it didn't work for me. The heart wretching thing is that those 100 ways helped 100 other people. 

So now I am shaking off the negativ self talk of you will never lose this weight, dusting my bottom off again after I fell off the diet horse again, and taking a different approch to this thing. 

First thing first, I am NOT a failure. I have found 100 ways that don't work for me. Thank you Thomas Eddison for that insight btw. 

Now it is time to find my way. Luckly I have been journaling what I eat on paper. I have weeks that I can look back on to figure out why I didn't stick to my eating plan, diet plan, etc. So now >I will log off and go reading in them, take notes, and see what actaully worked and when.
