Tattooed Soldier


[ENTRY 118..✍️]

So I met someone from the US military.
185 cm tall.
Brown eyes.
Several years my senior.

I hope something interesting would happen from this otherwise introducing him in my journal would be just a waste of pages. I really like him although we have yet to meet in person. He's still stationed in Korea but tonight, he'll be flying here to my country and next week, he'll be here in my city. We talk through voice messages and I have to say I've never conversed with anyone before through just voice recordings 99% of the time and I must say, I quite like it. His voice is so masculine and oftentimes, I replay the sweet things he says over and over again before I fall asleep which never fails to make me smile like a massive fool. I could only be grateful the app doesn't reveal how many times you've listened to one's recordings otherwise he'd think of me creepy and obsessed. At first, I didn't pay so much heed about the things I said because I didn't know I would like him. And you know me, I mess around and say false things about myself to strangers. When it seemed to me we were beginning to grow a little fond of each other, I had to listen to our entire chat all the way from the very beginning to see what kind of lies I had told him because I was also sending voice messages to other people and recalling to whom I've sent je ne sais quoi anymore was a struggle to my memory. Not many lies were thrown, thankfully. Just one, and it falls to my convenience so I've decided to just stick to it.

He sounds like a really nice guy and a gentleman. Not once did he insinuate something dirty and it was truly refreshing after conversing with other men who immediately flirted or invited me to come over. I'm already at the point where I get excited when I receive a message from him and disappointed when it's from another. He's got that dimple on the chin ladies are crazy about. I think it's cute. Reminds me of Superman. Since he's a soldier, I'm going to call him Kaladin (from "The Stormlight Archive") here in this diary because I really like the character in Brandon Sanderson's epic fantasy book series. I hope I'd get to meet him and we'd have a great time because it would be such a shame if Kaladin's name is wasted on someone I'll never get to see in person. Also, I'd very much like to write a fond memory with a man whom I have chosen to name Kaladin here, so.. cross fingers.

I wonder what he looks like in uniform..