Dear Diary, hmm nothing exciting.
I watched a small documentary about zoo keepers trying to create suitable cages for animals they keep.
Now I am thinking…I’m like a bear in a zoo. A bear who was supposed to walk through a large forest with in a day but in reality it is in a cage. Walks in a space which is as big as a tennis court. on the other hand it can not be survived in a forest because now the bear doesn’t remember how to live in there. So do nothing but walking around in a cage like a clock 🕰 every single day. Don’t know how to change but if the bear really does wish to end the life in a zoo cage, what it needs is enough amount of courage to break the cage down and determination to say good bye to the free and healthy meals and comfortable environment.
Can I do this…?
A great woman said, if your dream doesn’t scare you, your dream isn’t big enough. It’s not a dream but my current goal or what I need to do. But this is definitely scares me to start an actual life as an adult. Why? Others simply walk in this next phase:(