Dear A - June 25, 2022


Dear A, 

I hope you buy her flowers, I hope you hold her hand more often, I hope you tell her she’s beautiful more often, I hope you buy her breakfast, I hope you give her more kisses on the forehead, I hope you kiss her hand more, I hope you give her more hugs, I hope you bring her out on more fancy dates, I hope you tell her good night more often, I hope you take her out on late night drives and listen to her endless stories, I hope you celebrate the little things in life with her. I hope you share your thoughts and feelings with her often, I hope you share what you truly feel like with her more often and I hope you tell her how much you love her more often. I hope you do all the things I wish you did for me, with her. I miss you a little too much today. I wish I was in your arms again, my head on your chest, hearing your heart beat, feeling your warmth. I love you A, I always will. 
