June 25, 2022 #204


Dear Diary, what the f was happened on me!?

I entered my work place and clocked in. It’s already 15min before open but nobody in the main office. The door wasn’t locked so I just enter and grab the office key then opened the office I am belong to. 10 mins before open. Nobody is there but me. Looked at the clock again… it’s one hour before open!!! What am I doing!? 

That’s so weird but I turned off all electricity I just turned on and locked the doors I just opened, returned the office key. Then now I am at Bargar King but drinking only small size iced tea. Feeling so stupid😬 That’s so weird I didn’t realized when I took bus, took train, arrived the station, and when I clocked in, it was one hour before! I had my phone in my hand and I was typing but I didn’t realized at all. I checked only what minute was it!!! How embarrassing! The entering time was still remained on the time card!! 

When I clocked in again, I made sure to do it at the time as precisely one hour after I did in earlier. So wrong one was fully covered! 
