January 02, 2022


Dear Diary, the last few days of 2021 I spent having quiet peaceful time with SO. It was nice, although again I remember a few things from way back and I still don't know what caused memories from such a long time ago to re-surface.

I wrote a whole lot more about these memories but decided to delete it. I start to feel I'm overthinking again. Memories re-surface, what can I do about it? So I remember an old song that was popular when I was little. Just the song, I don't remember anything else from that period of time in my life, so nothing much to work on. Then another memory is about me playing princess. It's not unusual for little girls to play princess, some of them believe they actually are. So nothing to work on either, nothing to heal from. 

Yesterday afternoon we went out for a drive. A few shops were open. It's weird, we're entering the 3rd yr of pandemic, thought it would be over by now. A booster vaccine is recommended, I think I will pass unless it's made mandatory like the first two. A few people I know said the same.

Family msg me back and we got to talk on New Year's eve, finally. 

I made a new year resolution, kind of. Just continuing what I started last year and maybe managing my time better. I don't know what lies ahead but I know I'm getting older. I can feel it. I used to wonder how people deal with it, how will I deal with it. I still don't have definite answer. I'll just keep going, until I can't anymore. 
