September 29, 2021


Dear Diary,

It's hard not to give up a lot of the time. Nothing in my life is going well, or even okay, literally nothing. 

The best thing within the last 2 months was finally getting a friend and we hung out Monday night. 

I'm alone, the girl I'm in love with is slowly moving on from me, my grades are dropping, my suicidal thoughts and urges to cut (that never really left) are coming back with a tiring force and I just want to give up and give into it. I just wanna sleep... forever and rid myself of this life that was clearly not meant to be. 

I must've just been born unlucky because happiness just skips over me everytime or it just teases me till I give into it, then it disappears leaving me exposed, humiliated, and hurt. 

I feel like an alcoholic or druggy just craving something to numb the pain. I have nothing to numb it, nobody to heal it, nor anything to distract my thoughts. 
