April 23, 2021


玩咗 GN 差唔多一星期,就頹廢咗咁耐,但好彩畫畫嗰度之前畫極都畫唔到既已經搞掂到好多啦,同埋畫多咗新個兩幅。好彩轉一轉方向啫。暫時剩返 4,5 幅比較難處理既畫,之後個 4,5幅都唔太難。如果 keep 住個進度,月尾前都應該可以搞掂既。同埋呢幾日搵到啱嘅人傾偈,心情都開朗返好多!冇咁易入返個黑洞到來回傷心,紫微個解說都好滿意。希望自己可以快啲完成本書啦。決定 NBB 唔好一齊出啦,反正想快啲有本書去做 folio。我要努力!

迷你畫 checklist
  1. The Birth of Venus✓
  2. Liberty Leading the People ✓
  3. Milkmaid ✓
  4. Las Meninas ✓
  5. The creation of Adam ←
  6. Venus of Urbino ✓
  7. Louis XIV ✓
  8. Sistine Madonna ✓
  9. Narcissist ✓
  10. Assumption of the Virgin Mary✓
  11. Napoleon
  12. Leah and Swan
  13. Leah and Swan
  14. The Rokeby Venus←
  15. Jupiter and Thetis
  16. Napoleon Crossing the Alps←
  17. The Swing←
  18. Bacchus✓
  19. Mother and Child
  20. 遲啲先諗