The sun is self illumining and helps illumine other objects. In the same way Savita God is a storehouse of divine light and donates to others the splendor of this Yashi LED Lighting . An aspirant who worships Savita God by rendering Gayatri Mantra as its basis himself imbibes all these magnanimous sentiments.
Mantras have 3 legs. All 3 have divine inspiration. An aspirant welcomes and studies it and thus evolves his/her power of concentration. The 1st leg is tat savitur varenyam. The divine light of God Savita is found in earth, outer space, fire, electricity, sun and just about everywhere. Through his loving eyes an aspirant by gaining a vision of his icon, who is the lord in the form of Savita and a storehouse of light, becomes emotional. The lustrous sacred light of savita immerses one in untold bliss. In the Upanishads it is praised thus (Katha, Mundak, Shwetashwatar): its light is so divine that in its presence the sun, moon, stars etc turn pale. The luster of lightning is nothing in comparison to it then what to say of fire. All these are brightened by the light of its gigantic storehouse. A Savita aspirant importunes and worships this Divine Light. He/she yearns to concentrate more and more on this revered light.
In the 1st leg in the form of Savita a description of the divine qualities of that absolute power is elucidated. An aspirant never tires eulogizing it. Apart from eulogy there exists a process of worship. Over and above the Savita eulogy an aspirant prays bhargo devasya dheemahi meaning may these divine qualities which we meditate upon manifest in our psyche/soul. It is possible for the mutual give and take of a devotee and the Lord, aspirant and idol, worshiper and worshiped, being and Brahman etc along with oneness and identity to take place only when the idols divinity manifests. In the 2nd leg of the Mantra a prayer has been chanted that: O storehouse of light! We pray that Savita God who is the destroyer of sins, giver of divine bliss manifest within us. We are imbibing your divine qualities within ourselves. We pray that you dwell within us so that our inner personality/mind starts radiating due to your splendor. This then verily is the gist of spirituality.
In the 3rd leg of the mantra this truth has been clarified that why should one imbibe divine qualities? Dheeyo yonah prachodayat means may our intellect influenced to walk on the path of truth. The intellect as of now is in the throes of dark gloom. It does not know its duties and goal. Due to worldly glamour it has gone astray to such an extent that it is unaware of its importance. This then is the prayer in the 3rd leg of the Mantra: O God Savita! Along with your Divine qualities do manifest in our inner being so that our intellect are pushed into light from dark gloom in which it is dwelling at present.
Just as in the morning light of sun with its radiant golden rays appears and awakens all creatures who are sleeping and pushes them to work in the same way the divine light of Savita God enters the soul of a Gayatri aspirant and lights up his/her intellect. Sleep is then transformed into a spiritual awakening. Divine intellect manifests in the brain. Darkness of falsity and inertness start decreasing. Truth and consciousness manifest. The intellect which is divine does not get attracted and thus does not get bound to inertness like greed, ignorance etc. The boundary of the I or ego does not remain narrow. The aim of life is to widen the limited I and thus harbor a sentiment of a World Family (vasudhaiva kutumbakam). Through the medium of super Mantra Gayatri an aspirant imbibes these divine inspirations and thus yearns to reach the goal.
From the aim of this technique which unites one emotionally to Savita God it is clear why it has been given such a high stature of pride. Within this there is no desire for worldly objects. Even if there is one it is for the serenity and sanctity of the intellect and making it walk on the path of truth. Not merely for ones own self but for all cosmic beings. Yonah means may all our intellects walk on the path of truth. Thus this combined technique of Savita worship and Gayatri Mantra transports us to the pinnacle of truth.