February 24, 2021


Didn't do a single thing on my project today, but that doesn't mean I have an unproductive day. It's nice to do chores once in a very long while, back then I was busying catching up on my study for the project up for a whole year. Now I can finally have an end to my study and doing something I haven't done for a very long time or have a little me time. 

執咗小小 studio,諗住遲啲先再大執。裝番廁所嗰個浴巾掛,希望唔好,唔好,唔好再跌!清空凳上既衣服山。同埋床頭讀咗唔夠一個 chapter 嘅書。之後廁所都清下啲塵同跡。過幾日要用漂白水洗廁所。過幾日仲要洗床單同被捕。總知書房最後先清啦。我仲要追新聞。。。。

聽日可能要清睡房先同埋枱啲無謂嘢,跟住廁所。應該開YouTube 聽住黎做。咁就充實好多啦。