December 25, 2020


Dear Diary,

First of all, Merry Christmas and Advance Happy New Year. But, I think this is the worst Christmas ever. 

My partner and I went to a house party where most of his basketball friends are there. Then suddenly they open up this strawberry milkshake that coming from KFC. I'm not dumb if I don't feel that it was referring to him. It's hurt from my side. Even if it is a joke, still it hurts for my feeling. In short, they give a hint that he was cheating on me.

There are saying that "50% of the joke are half meant to be true". Then I ask him if he needs to tell me something. Then he burst in anger. He shouted at me and he even leaves me alone for 5 minutes.

For me, if you did not do it then you don't need to shout at me. Then I told him to swear it in the name of our dead son. Then he swears that he did not do anything. Then I keep quiet.

I'm asking him because I was in embarrassment because in that party, my brother was there too. I do not want him to think that his brother-in-law was cheating on his sister. That's the reason why I asked him. Next time, I will tell him that I do not want to hear that even if it is a joke.

I don't know what to do with this.  


