June 16, 2020


I went to the doctor today to get the results of my lab work. Overall, my doctor said the results looked good with two exceptions. 

She said my protein was looking a little low. Looking at the results myself, the "total protein" looked around average as did the globulin, but the albumin was lower than average. I've been drinking a 15g protein shake almost every day for the past couple of months so this came as a surprise to me. After the doctor, we went to the grocery store and I bought some protein shakes with 30g of protein. I hope it helps. 😥

The second problem was my glucose. When you do a fasting lab, where you don't eat after midnight the night before getting your blood drawn, your glucose should be between 74 and 106. Mine was at 104. 😖 I have a family history of type 2 diabetes so I need to keep an eye on this otherwise I'll be next. 

What my doctor never seems to understand is that simply changing my diet and eating habits isn't easy. I have anxiety around new food and childhood trauma prevents me from expanding and reaching out to a larger variety of foods. 

My doctor gave me a handout that gives information on how to construct a healthy meal and whatnot based on carbohydrates and calories and other bullshit. I looked at all the listed fruits and vegetables and I don't like any of them. How am I supposed to do this? I'm starting to get anxious thinking about this right now. 😖

Eating more meat would help with my protein problem but I honestly don't really like meat. 🙃 Chicken is unappetizing and I've only been able to enjoy beef in cheeseburgers. That handout said you should eat fish 2-3 times a week. Yuck! 

I really hate how all of these suggestions are given as if it's so easy, but what if you don't like any of that shit? It's so frustrating. Why can't I just eat whatever I want? 😢