January 30, 2020


Dear Diary, he owes me for all these years of hell. And he is lucky that I never said anything bad about him and his parents and didn't start a trial because I went through meat grinder just because I wanted to love him and to live in his country. How he can act like he didn't do anything weird if in  every his post he uses weird words??! He tried to kill me because I don't accept his lovers. His parents should be thankful that I never went to court because I thought I can die since he acted like my relatives and said exactly same things as them and they acted like him and made fun of me. People always said that I lay naked and don't do anything. People compared me with the killers and criminals even now famous raper uses my words and exaggerates  as if this soul is the worst and it was inside all ugly people that have same taste as me. Why all people who look like my idol are always rich, famous and win all awards when I always loose??! Of course because only I love him and he uses me all these seven years. That  is why I will use his real name and maybe someday he will regret that he never loved me and choosed that whores
