July 30, 2019



The kittens are finally getting along and co-existing. They couldn't get near eachother without hissing or trying to fight,but now they cuddle together and it only took 3 days to integrate them.

I spent the day packing up because we are going to be moving over the weekend. We sign the lease August 1st, on a house we're co-renting. It's Cody and I's first place where we are both on the lease. Needless to say I'm nervous, but excited. Very tired as well. Lifting and moving and packing when I had zero sleep last night has worn me out physically. I'm hoping to get some really good sleep tonight. That way tomorrow I can continue packing more.

Having Bipolar disorder is a nuisance enough, but being pregnant while having bipolar is Literally the PITS. But I'm thriving. So much has happened today. Things that seemed to pose a problem for me have all somehow resolved themselves and I feel blessed. The landowner found a washer and a dryer to add to the house we're about to move into. Plus our current roommates, lost use of their car, but has been made two offers in a matter of hours. So, whatever is up in the sky, thanks.😁
