July 30, 2019


After staying up all night, I've come to the conclusion that I am suffering from Pregnancy Insomnia. I also have the common aches, pains, and pulls of being 5 months in. It's nothing pleasant, but all very normal as my baby is growing the way he should. Being pregnant has made me mature EVEN more than the old soul that "doing time" TURNED me into. So now instead of being in my 30's, I feel as mature as a 50 year old.
More wise than ever before. 
We've came up with a wonderful name for the baby boy I am to deliver in November. The baby's daddy pretty much gave me free reign to choose the baby's name and he agrees that it's great. 
Kaiden Zayne H.
His kicking and pushing has become more pronounced over the past week alone. And he pushes so frequently, it's hard for me not to predict he will be a very active infant. For my first pregnancy and possibly my only, I'm open minded. Maybe not positively, but at least realistically.