Dear Diary,
Sometimes the work gets difficult. I try to give my 100% and yet not able to finish it by time. And sometimes i get stuck in problems for which i dont find solution even for days and as days pass the problem become even more frustrating. I dont know if its the same with everyone or its just me. I even think about these problems in my sleep, in many nights i am trying to think of solution for the problem i was working on in the day and then when i wake up i just dont feel like going to office because even after entire night of thinking i could not figure out the solution and what will i do in office today, I dont like everyone to know that i am still stuck on the same problem i was 3 days ago. But there is nothing i can do, i feel so helpless, although my past experience tells me that we find solution to all the problems eventually but still there is always this uncertainty and the rising pressure as days go by...
But i must not give up, i should try from beginning and maybe focus more one one thing, i must be doing some mistake somewhere basic...
Anyway, I am watching How i met your mother again these days.
Rain Dance is a stupid thing anyone would say. But Ted makes it rain anyway(Oh, Come on... =D ). Ted has this highest form of emotional endurance. He knows that Not every night has to be the best night, but he is also crazy enough to do the rain dance.
Good Night... :)