Dear Diary,
It took me an year to calm myself down. To not get anxious on every small thing, To teach myself to not give fuck to everything I see and every small rejections I face. And today it only took one small moment, one small conversation to break all that. Once again i lost that peace of mind I have been preserving for so long, haven't I learnt anything... ? Although I am here, atleast, reflecting on it, and understanding it.But I had expected more from myself. I know that I can't expect everyone and everything to be the way I wish and that these small things dont even have any significance in our life. I think I still need to improve.
Anyway, That was in afternoon.
Now Evening again, I like evenings, evenings are good, in evening everything becomes good, in evenings I am not angry and I forgive people and let it all go and weather becomes good, sky looks good with clouds, I find people beautiful in evening, i see people walking on sidewalks are happy returning home from office. Guys playing badminton in front of house, It's Friday today, Men with families and kids are out, although I kind of feel empathetic for the man, he always has to be protective about his family and hold hands of kids and all, he cannot be careless when outside, but I kinda find it sweet too, someday maybe I too will have to do all these things, but I think that'll be both exhausting and sweet, and also it gives the otherwise belligerent mind some peace and a purpose which does not just involve his good but a purpose which is about caring for someone else...
Now I am in bus, going Hampi. I think I am doing good...