🖤😈Twisted Heathen😈🖤's Dear Diary

March 17, 2025
Hiii to the people who have been reading my little story's I am currently writing a dark romance book that I think I might put on here to see If people like It before I try to get It published I have not decided yet but I would love yalls opinion The
Mar 17
March 17, 2025
Dear Diary, A couple weeks ago I had a very very bad mental break down and I really wanted to kms and I called the hotline for It but they put me on hold for an hour and I said fuck It so I told my stepmom to take me back to pine rest and she said ok
Mar 17
March 14, 2025
Dear Diary, I might change my name on here I don't know I think I might change It to something that fits me more than Broken does so I think Ima change It to Twisted Heathen.😘
Mar 14
Valentines Day Monster
( To start off with before I tell this story It Is true This happened  to me this year and I don't know what to expect next year so please Enjoy And let me know If you want another life story of mine I may only be 15 but I have a lot to tell. I also
Mar 14
The Game That Changed My Life ( Part 2 )
We would have kept playing, But Lexi's mom came to the basement and saw us and her fucked up basement she screamed at Lexi and told us to leave the last thing we all heard was her mom telling her she Is grounded. When I got home all I could think abo
Mar 14
Ok so I have this friend we will call her Sophia ok now I have been friends with Sophia for 3 years. She has been through a lot with me and she was the only person so I thought she was actually my friend but I don't know anymore. Anyways Im 15 now bu
Mar 14
The Game That Changed My Life Forever.......
It was the beginning of the summer School just got out and everyone was ready to go home. My friends and I were walking to the beach after school so we could hang out. My birthday was In a month and everyone knew I love spooky thing's. When we got to
Mar 13
Birth Mother
Dear Diary, I don't know why she had to do the stuff she did. I feel like she tried to kill me and leave because I'm not good enough. I'm still not good enough all I do Is hurt my family over and over again. They have been through hell and back wit
Mar 13