Dear Diary,
I can't wait till I turn 18 I'm moving out I don't care where I go I just have to leave. I found out the other day that my grandpa has cancer but don't want people to know. My mom Is trying to get him to live with us but she planes on giving him my room and moving me to the back room where there is no door just 3 walls (not like I had a door before) and there gonna give me a blanket to give me *privacy* like dude I have no privacy you make me shower with the door open for gods sake. And there is a camera in the dinning room and low and behold it faces the bathroom so I have to dry off in the shower and put clothes on in there when its still wet. Also I truly do not agree with the school systems because the school just creates workers (not in a good way) I like the old school systems better Im half homeschooled I work from home but have a school Chromebook. My parents sat with me the other night while I was doing homework and I was struggling with math and my mom asked me "why are you doing it that way honey work smarter not harder." then she showed my the way she learned it in school and it was only 2 steps like what the fuck they had us doing 17 different steps to find one fucking answer (3) and I was like damn I'ma start doing this so when I did it for my next assignment I turned it in and went to bed I look at my grade the next day and saw it was a zero I email the teacher and asked why he said "well the way you did the problem was wrong" bitch I got the right answer but what I'm hearing is because I did not do it YOUR way perfectly you failed me for it then we went to the school had a whole ass fight and blah blah blah Also when am I gonna use geometry in everyday life or algebra like shut the fuck up