Chapter 1 - Crystal
The sound's off my annoying ass alarm clock woke me up. I came home from work late last night and was tired as hell but I still have to get up because today the boss said we have a special client that want's a very specific tattoo done. I got my ass out of bed threw an outfit together and walked to my bathroom to start a hot shower. As I turned the shower on and took my clothes off my phone started ringing, "Who the fuck Is calling me this damn early." I grabbed my phone and saw It was my boss calling. I answer, "Hey give me just a sec to put clothes on and I will come to work ok you caught me at a bad time Sophia." silence. Then he cleared his throat as I heard another voice my face went red. then he spoke, "Crystal, when you uh when you have a moment the client wants you to do his tattoo today he would like to discuss what He want's." holly fucking hell I just said that In front of the fucking client I'm so dead, "yea just uh give me a bit I'll be right In sir." I heard the man give a low chuckle on the other side, we said our goodbyes and hung up. I quickly finished my shower and got dressed to go to work. I made sure to grab my key's before I rushed out the door to my car It's about a 20 minute drive from my Apartment to the shop. When I got there I parked the truck and stopped to breathe before I walked In. "Ok girl you got this just..." my phone went off with a text from sophia.
S - Girl get you're ass to the shop there Is a hot guy here waiting for you.🥵
C - Shut up, and I'm already here I just parked outside.
S - K see u soon c
I walked In and saw Sophia on her break I kept walking to my office but waved at her. When I got to my office my boss and the guy were already In there. "I am so sorry to keep you waiting Sir." Jake looked pissed, "Oh It's alright Ma'am my name Is Colby." damn Colby fit him good, "I'm cr..." He Interupted me, "You're Crystal I know I flew 15 hour's well 1 hour to come get a special tattoo from you." I was stunned, "You did ok wow um, what Is It you want done so we can get started I'm sure you have a busy life." he looked like he had just been Insulted, "I'm never to busy to see a master do what she does best." then he grinned at me, It sent a chill down my spine and made me blush and start stuttering. "Well then I just need to know exactly what It Is you want done then we can continue on." I smiled at him still blushing, "Well I was thinking of a dragon dream catcher If you don't mind there Is no specific way I want It done just do what you would like with It." Fuck no one let's me just do what I want this Is new, "Alright then Sir have a seat Jake uh sorry boss I got It from here." I looked embarrassed as hell as he walked out of the room. I was so getting fired today, "Ok sir just give me five to ten minutes and I will start you up." I see him smirk and I blush, "I mean I will start the tattoo sorry." He laughs I like his laugh. What the fuck Is wrong with me I just met this dude for god's sake, "Ok well Crystal I would love to see what you have In mind for my tattoo." He look's me up and down then look's me In my eye's, I turn around and pretend to do something else. "Ok everything Is ready If you will just take you're shirt off.." I stopped my self wait he never told me where he wanted the tattoo. "I'm sorry It's still early where did you want the tattoo?", Fuck I'm dumb today, "Well I was thinking down my back and have the tail wrap up to my chest." Damn that would look hot as fuck on him. He takes his shirt off and lays face down on the table this man was ripped he looked as If he lived In the gym and already had tattoo's most just dragon's and name's probably his family. "Ok you ready Colby." I like the way his name sound's to be honest, "Yes Ma'am just do what you do best." I have little side conversations to pass the time, "So Colby where you from." he looked tan so I would have said somewhere sunny, "I'm from Salem." Wait what, "Oh that's new wait that means you're a long way from home." He stayed silent which made me change the subject, "So what do you do for work Mr. privet jet?" He gave a low chuckle damn that was hot, "I can't say but I can say I deal with a lot of people." I went back to his back and did not think twice about what he said. After a couple hours I finished he got up put his shirt on.....Man I'm gonna miss that shirt.
CHAPTER 2 - Colby
When I got to the tattoo place It was nothing big but It was enough I'm just glad It wasn't overwhelming like most places I've been to. As I walk Into the building I saw Jake I looked around until he met my eye's, "Well I'll be damned If It Isn't Mr. Big shot Colby Warren, Damn you look good man how you been? You still single as fuck." I laughed this asshole, "Yes and I'm the big shot you got you're own shop now I've been waiting year's for this man. How's the wife doin Jake?" His look changed, Fuck, "We got divorced a year ago man It's alright tho, anyways what bring you all the way down here from New York City man?" I can't tell him the truth so I make a lie up, "I just heard about a girl that work's here for you I think her name Is Crystal I heard how good of an artist she Is and wanted to see for myself and get a chance to see my old friend again." He looked like he bought It thank fuck, "Alright man, Shit she Is not In right now and she's late let me call her come on follow me we can wait In her office." He showed me around the shop while searching through his phone for her number I quickly saw It and memorized It before he clicked It. When we got to her office She answered, "Hey just give me a sec and let me get some clothes on you caught me at a bad time Sophia," I chuckled as Jake cleared his throat, I heard her gasp as If she realized who had called I have not even met this girl but I was already In love with her voice. Jake was talking to her and all I could hear was her voice until he hung up and started apologizing to me for her being late. I told him don't worry about It and we waited for her to show up. I heard the door open and watched as a beautiful women In her twenty's maybe she was twenty three. She walked In wearing ripped black jeans and Frayed crop top. She sat down In front of me and we talked about what I wanted done then she told me to take my shirt off but she stopped and started stuttering, "I'm so sorry I said that, you never told me where you wanted the tattoo." I told her on my back and to have the tail wrap around to my chest she blushed even more as I took my shirt off. She mumbled something under her breathe but I Ignored It. We had small conversations as she finished the tattoo off when I got up she asked If It was what I wanted and, It was definitely my favorite tattoo so far. I put my shirt on and she left to go get something she said, "Ok I will be right back Colby stay here for just a minute longer please." Damn I liked the way she said my name, When she left I found a sticky note and put my number and "buisness" card on her desk before she came back. "Alright here you go put this on the tattoo once a day It should help It heal faster ok." she had a mix between puppy eye's and siren I don't think I can look to much longer before my erection becomes more noticable. It only started when she moved her hands around my body for the tattoo but she was gentle and her hands were soft unlike most people's that I've slept with. She walked me out as she walked In front of me I couldn't help watching the sway of her hip's when she walked. I payed for the time spent at the shop said my good bye's, "Oh by the way Jake we should hang out sometime while I'm In town maybe we could grab drink's later tonight." His face lit up, "Hell yea I think I still have you're number just text me where you wanna meet up alright have a good day man." I walked out the shop and to my car, "Fuck I need her"
Chapter 3 - Crystal
After Colby payed for his tattoo and left Jake walked up to me, “Crystal because It’s still technically you’re day off.” Damn I had the day off fuck I forgot, “You can go home, oh and thank you for coming In today.” He never thanked me before It was unnerving but I said my goodbyes and Walked out the shop. I got In my truck and turned my stereo on As I was scrolling through my phone I saw a new number on my phone Holy shit It’s his number when did he get my phone and oh my fucking god I’m so happy I opened my spotify and played the one song I always listen to going home from work. Hail mary I turned It on and started driving home. I got a text but I waited till I got home to read It. I Rolled my windows down as the music was blasting I stopped at a red light. Revenge Is like the sweetest joy next to gettin pussy. I looked over to see him, Colby was In the Hummer next to me smiling Then he grabbed his phone did something and set It down. I got another text I looked at It this time It was from Colby Hold fuck.
CW- You look like you’re having fun.
CD- Yeah uh didn’t see you there sorry.
CW- Don’t be You looked beautiful.
CD- Thank you
Wait what no way the light turned green and I speed off to my apartment. I got out of the truck when I got home and ran to my apartment and locked the door, Fuck Fuck Fuck he saw he and he………..called ME cute. I layed down on my bed and started to take a nap when he texted me again.
CW- I would like to take you somewhere anytime you are free If you don’t mind.
Shit, where would he even take me?
CD- sure why not we can go when ever you want Colby.
CW- How about I meet you there at……..fuck ten sound ok
CW-No I will pick you up at ten
CD- Wait you don’t even know my address
No response fuck ok never mind then I turn the shower on and strip off my clothes and as I put my head under the water I felt like someone was watching me so I wiped off my eye’s and looked around no one was there That’s fucking weird I finished my shower and walked around my apartment naked until I could find an outfit. I found everything I needed so I went to my room to change but I kept feeling like someone was watching me.
Chapter 4 - Colby
After the date was set up I saw she texted saying I don’t even know where she lives Little does she know I’m out side her house now As I watch her walk through her house I find It amusing that she doesn’t care she Is naked with the curtains open. My pants continue to get tighter as I sit In my car and watch her. Fuck I can’t wait much longer My erection Is no longer hideable this Is going to be a fun night It takes her about an hour to find an outfit. While she does a palm my Dick through my jeans as I imagine breaking her, Dominating her, Making her……Mine. I reach down In my boxer’s and grab the base of my dick hard as I think more of watching her In terror as I break In with a knife as she falls to the floor begging for her life as I put the tip oh so gently on her throat as I throw her hard on the bed and start ripping her clothes off I can see how bad she want’s me just by how wet she was……….It Isn’t until reality snaps me back as I realize Fuck I’m about to come I quickly grab A tissue from the passenger side door and stuff It down my pants just In time. When I finish cleaning I watch her do her makeup Singing I can hear that song again that she was playing In her truck Revenge Is like the sweetest joy next to getting pussy, Hail mary what do we have here now, La da da Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hail mary do you wanna ride or die, ride or die Nah Nah Nah Nah run quick…… Then It stops. I text her that I’m outsdie I watch her pick her phone up and look at me I wave she waves back then I think I just jerked off to a girl I don’t even know like that outside her house…..Oh well soon I won’t have to I saw her walk out of her apartment and walk towards my car. She opened the door and sat down, “how did you find where I lived?” Fuck I can’t tell her the truth, “I got It from Jake.” Yea that works, “Oh ok anyways where are we going.” So many places babe you don’t even know It yet, “ To a restaurant called “La Cuisine Charmante” which Is french for, “The Charming Kitchen” It’s a beautiful place and I thought you would love It.” She smiled and said let’s go then so we began our drive to the last date she will ever have.