Sheba's Dear Diary

June 24, 2021 (songs you can relate)
Dear Diary, So, it's been a month DT broke up with her bf, now she's in the phase of getting rid of his ex from her mind and move on. She keeps making herself busy to distract her and do some cover songs. songs that almost relate to her heartbreak
Jun 24
June 24, 2021 (sad to see her sad)
Dear Diary, I'm so confused with myself, I'm the one who is getting upset and over emotional when I got knew that they were broke up after 5months dated. I knew them but not personally, I got to know them on socmed because I'm a fan of them. They we
Jun 24
May 26, 2021 (At home)
Dear Diary, it's been a month since my last update. Today, I spare my time to write again and just to fill my free time. Well, I'm officially finished my training on 9th May and I got a job placement. So, 1st of June should be my first day working bu
May 25
April 25, 2021 (Tired)
Dear Diary, It's been a while since I wrote in here. I've been busy with my life, training at a place where further from the city. Very limited access. I'm in a week 4 here, training, still remain 2 weeks left and I'm halfway there but I still lost a
Apr 25
April 10, 2021 (strange feeling)
Dear Diary, I always have a strange feelings everytime I by myself especially at night when I have nothing to do. I'm so confuse and intimidated at the same time.  The feeling is not good cause it's a bad thing, not bad to some of people but to me a
Apr 10
April 09, 2021 (newbie)
Dear Diary, It was so random that I would've ended coming here and registered this account. I've found that this would be an interesting place to share my random thoughts. I will definitely come here often to write something. I'm so sorry I might hav
Apr 09