The Game That Changed My Life Forever.......


It was the beginning of the summer School just got out and everyone was ready to go home. My friends and I were walking to the beach after school so we could hang out. My birthday was In a month and everyone knew I love spooky thing's. When we got to the beach my friend Lexi told me she had a gift for me and to close my eyes. I felt something heavy In my hands and opened my eye's to see an old board game.I told her "Oh my fucking God thank you so much I can't wait to play this.". She told me your welcome and asked If I wanted to play with everyone at her house. I said yes and me Lexi, Mason, Abby, Jake, and my Boyfriend Cody started walking to her house In town. When we got there I asked her where she got the game and she told me, "I got It a a garage sale from that old lady who lives outta town I think her name Is Beth I don't remember." I said ok then we all walked to her front porch. Her mom let us In and we went to the basement to play. When we got to the basement we sat In a circle and started to set the game up. Jake read the Instructions out loud, "The objective of the game Is to make It to the cabin. There are two decks of cards the secret cards and the public cards, the secret cards you do not read aloud and you must complete the task without being called out on what you're task Is, If you complete the task without being called out move the amount of spaces said on your card If you do not complete the task move 1 space back. For the public cards you must read the card out loud If you complete you're task then you move the spaces said on the card If you do not finish the task then move 1 space back. The person who lied last goes first." He finished saying the rules and we all looked at each other no one wanted to say what their last lie was. Jake said, "Fuck I guess I'll go first, I lied to my mom and said I was going to my brother's when I went to my girl's house Instead." he drew a card and read it out loud. "Moo and walk like a....cow? I am not fucking doing this." we started begging for him to do It then he finally gave In and finished his task and moves 3 spaces forwards. I went next and drawed a secret card everyone looked at me and I said, "It's a secret card I can't say." Then Abby drew her card and started reading It outLoud but she looked....Scared, "Um ok It says hold you're breath for.....five minutes." we all looked at her In pure shock but It was like we had to do It so Cody set a timer on his phone and Abby held her breath as Cody drew his card and said It was a secret. I had not done my task yet so I pinched Lexi's thigh and said, "Task complete." I moved my piece 2 spaces forward. Mason moved a little closer to the board and drew his first card. He started to read It as the color drained from his face. "It's a public card, It says......" he looked at Lexi with sad eye's, "rip Lexi's nail off." I started thinking, "wait guys why are the cards saying our names now and why are they getting violent." we all looked at each other but It was like we could not stop playing this game It was like.....a drug to us. We kept playing and we spent hours at Lexi's house we have not eating anything In hours and we were all tired but we could not stop playing...........

