Dear Diary,
I don't know why she had to do the stuff she did. I feel like she tried to kill me and leave because I'm not good enough. I'm still not good enough all I do Is hurt my family over and over again. They have been through hell and back with me and I hate myself because of It. I will never be the perfect daughter for them. I'm truly tired of hurting everyone around me all the time. Just when people think I'm doing better low and behold I've been lying to them for over a year. Doing shady shit behind there backs and lying to there faces. I cut myself because I deserve It I don't deserve the family I have they would be better off without me. My birth Mother may have been right to leave me all I am Is a disappointment to everyone my family say's I'm not and that It's my actions that are disappointing but I know there are lying. I feel like I can see It In their face's I'm not good enough for them and I don't wanna keep hurting them anymore sometimes I just wish my Birth Mother had killed me when I was a baby maybe then my family would not have been through hell and back with me. Sometimes I wish I had cut to deep so I can stop hurting them so much I hate myself every damn day because of It. It's eating me alive because I can't tell them this and I just need to get so many things off my chest It's ungodly. I'm only 15 I should not be doing this.