The Four Horsemen


I danced with Famine and kissed him on the lips, so that from his mouth he might feed me hunger to fill the void of my existence. And if at last he rouses in me the appetite for life and mortality, I pray for my survival or I shall starve for my escape. But the calm of the abyss was still hollow and deafening, so I made love with War to stir passion and reckoning. And when the anger and bloodbath weren't enough for my destruction, I invited Conquest into bed, so that he might defile my body and my salvation. I have now embraced the three horsemen who have marked my impending doom. Yet it is the fourth and last rider, in his ashen horse that I long. My love, where art thou? Many a time for you I have called. To you, my sweet saviour, I surrender what remains of my soul.
