Story time part 4


She looked away quickly, grabbing some dried fruit she had left out the night before and began chewing absentmindedly. What did she have to do today? But she already knew, her routine was the same everyday. Train, work at the greenhouse, then come back home. With a sigh, Eowyn quickly ate the rest of the dried fruit and walked across the wooden floors. She would definitely need to sweep up when she got back. She grabbed her leather boots and shoved them on her feet. They were a little small and had seen better days but it would be a while before she would be able to save enough to buy a new pair. She then flung open the door and took in the fresh morning air. The sun was barely up and the sky still had shades of dark blue and purple. This was the home of the elves. A breeze kissed her face as she looked up to the towering trees. The trees were tall, reaching for the sky and the trunks were thick. Elves didn’t just build on the ground but also in the trees. Big spiraling staircases wrapped around the tree trunks and at different levels buildings were built on platforms that were attached to the trunk. Long rope bridges attached all the different trees together so you could go from one to the other easily. Moss and ivy crept up the sides of the trees and twisted with the steps. On the ground big pebbled paths led to all the staircases and the buildings that were kept on the ground. Flowers bloomed on the sides of the paths, morning dew dripping from their petals. The city stretched for miles and miles, a place that thousands called home. In the distance in a clearing on a small hill, a ginormous crystal castle sat. It was built mostly out of stone but was outlined with so much crystal that you would think that was the only material it was made of. Even though there was barely any light the castle already glistened. Big, colossal towers spiraled elegantly into the sky, with big blue flags drooping from the top of them. Massive archways outlined the big doorways and big walls that surrounded the castle. While the castle was elegant it looked spiky and had sharp edges refining every detail. Even though every single time she laid eyes on it filled her with rage, she had to admit it was beautiful. Since it was so early, there wasn’t anyone walking about yet. It was silent except for the songs the birds had begun to sing. Eowyn's little cottage was in the corner of it all and had easy access to the rest of the untouched forest. She then faced the thicker part of the woods and began running, her feet pounding on the dirt as the wind whistled past her ears. The trees still towered over her but soon smaller trees came into view as she got to a section where the elves haven’t cut them down yet to build more houses or gather more wood. Squirrels scurried through the branches and she caught a glimpse of a buck running next to her in the thick brush. Soon she came to a bubbling creek and sped cheerfly deeper into the woods. As she ran next to it, colorful fish jumped in and out of the water, splashing droplets where they landed. The trees then began to thin out more and led her to a small clearing. While the ginormous trees still hung over her it would be enough space to get today's practice in. Eowyn stopped and took a deep breath and searched until she found a sturdy branch. There was a tree sapling around her height and she got ready. She began swirling gracefully and hit the sapling over and over. It bent over but sprung up after every hit, not affected in the slightest. Eowyn twirled the branch in her hands and began whacking the rest of the trees around her. Sweat began beading up on her forehead as she began attacking another imaginary foe. Then a chill went through her and she stopped mid jab. It felt like something was watching her from somewhere in the thicket. Her eyes narrowed as she slowly put her arm back down and began turning in a circle, studying her surroundings. 

“Who’s there?” She shouted. 
