Dear Diary, I think that the key to solving my eating disorder problem is stop going hungry. Eat five times a day. Eat enough of proteins and carbs. Carbs at every meal. Have dinner at 6:30-7:00 pm to not feel hungry late. Like today I binged at 3, but then felt an urge to eat at 9. Feel a bit guilty, but I know that if I'm going to restrict when hungry, going to start my ED cycle again. Okay, I'm going to be 2 pounds heavier. Whatever. I'll drop it after I'm going to get healthy eating habits and urges to binge. What's important is that I won't start new cycle of restriction, then wanting to binge at the next meal after feeling deprived. I'll eat like planned tomorrow.
Got rid of scale in my bathroom. The only thing is that I'll weigh myself tomorrow - last time. Next time is going to be on Wednesday morning, and no sooner than that. I gotta stop obsessing with weighing myself.