Dear Diary,
I was talking to an old friend the other day. Well, me and her actually had lost contact for a while and recently reconnected. We talked about her previous relationship and how.. well, she felt like he wasn't giving any effort into their relationship towards the end of it. An exact reflection of how I used to feel about her a few years ago. The only reason why I managed to take her back as a friend was because I've learned to manage my expectations.
Friendships or relationships aren't as clear cut as we want it to be. Just because they didn't do something you wanted them to, it doesn't automatically make them a bad friend or person. I think, once I learned that people express their care for you differently. It kinda gets easier dealing with people..and like I said, I can manage my expectations better
As much as I like her company and as a friend, she's well.. her life is too centered about finding a partner for her to be the kind of friend I want her to be. She'll always put her friends in the backseat the moment she gets a boyfriend lol. Also, I stopped expecting her to check up on me like I used to do for her. I used to be so concerned for her emotional wellbeing but I guess, you can say that my priorities has changed. But in other ways, she's been helpful. Assignments or advice wise. So, that pretty much sums up her role in my life.