Dear Diary,
Well, here we are again. Yes, I know, I’ve mentioned my ear inflammation before like a broken record, but hey, who doesn’t love a good rerun?
Let me set the scene: two days ago, my ear was perfectly fine—normal, even. Fast forward to today, though, and after a shower, my left ear suddenly decides it wants to make things difficult. I’m honestly wondering if my shampoo caused some sort of reaction. Why just the left ear, though? Why not both? At least the right one is still behaving, which I guess is something to be thankful for.
But still, it’s kind of funny how my ear always chooses exam season to show its true colors. Why not during vacation, when I could actually enjoy being miserable? Oh, the timing of it all. Sigh.
Here’s the latest gossip: Remember my apartment mate, the one with whom I had a little “heated discussion”? (We’ll call her Mandy, for the sake of anonymity—or just for fun, really.) Mandy, my apartment mate, has been removing Alex’s clothes from the drying line before they’re fully dry, leaving them damp and musty. Alex asked her not to, and Mandy’s response? “The only thing you’re good at is complaining.” Classic Mandy! 🙃 And, of course, things went downhill from there.
Well, Diary, I guess I’m living the high life because, unlike certain individuals, I don’t find it necessary to engage in conflict with everyone within a five-mile radius. Surely, this must mean I have the moral high ground.But then again, who am I to say? So, let’s raise a toast to my non-black heart and my still-functioning right ear.
Until next time !