That chair in the office


How do you know that they are the other half of your heart, and how do they know that you are the other half of their heart? They can be in your life for years but you don't even move a muscle, and you can be in their life for years, and it's them who don't even move a muscle. It is only when they are no longer in your life that you realize, and it's only when you are no longer in their life that they realize. Why? Because you start missing having their presence in your life, and because they start missing having your presence in their life. You stare at an office chair that was once full but is empty now, and they stare at an office chair that was once full but is empty now. You see someone who used to be there sitting on it, but is no longer there sitting on it, because they are no longer in your life, and thus they are no longer part of your life. And that creates emptiness in your life. And emptiness creates sadness in your life. It's just not the same anymore. It's just different, because the feeling is different. And it's just not as easy as it used to be, because it becomes hard. And then one day you find yourself sitting in your office, sitting at your desk on your office chair, and wonder what's happening to you, no, what on earth IS happening WITH you. You realize you aren't the same anymore, and you realize you aren't the same anymore, because you changed. And you realize that what changed you is the lack of their presence in your life. Because when you were in their life, and when they were in your life, you were different, and they were different. It feels like a part of you is gone. It feels like that something that truly made you feel alive is no longer there. And that's when it hits you. The feeling of love that's much more powerful than is the feeling of caring. Missing them turns care into love. At first you deny it, but then you embrace and accept it, because you can no longer fight it. You can no longer deny that you are in love. And when you can no longer deny that you are in love, you  want that office chair to be full again, you want them to sit on that office chair once again. You never truly know who is the other half of your heart until the other half of your heart appears in your life, or until the other half of your heart is gone from your life. You just want them to be in your life once again. Because the truth is, your life feels empty without them. Especially when something terrible happens and you need them by your side, and they are no longer by your side. You know that you need them by your side, to help you go through it. But they are no longer by your side, because they are no longer in your life. It's different when the support they used to give is no longer there. And that's how love you have for them begins to grow and eventually blossoms into the purest form of love. There's no denying it anymore, for you are in love. You are so in love that you can see you are in love. You are so in love you cannot hide it from yourself or anyone else that you are in love. You are so in love it can be seen in your eyes. Whenever you look at yourself in the mirror, there's a man who is in love and who realizes he's in love staring back at you. You just know it to be true, for you can no longer lie to yourself or someone else it's something else anymore. You can no longer hide the fact you know it to be true and everybody around you knows it to be true. There's no point in hiding it anymore, for it can no longer be hidden. So what's left? What can you do? You can either say it aloud, shout it from the roof top, or choose to remain silent about it. So what is better, to shout or to stay silent? If you choose not to shout and thus choose to stay silent, you may lose them forever to someone who chooses to shout and thus chooses not to remain silent. And when that happens, you may lose them forever to someone who is not the other half of their heart. Because the truth is, and you know it to be true, that you are and you'll always be the other half of their heart. That's what usually happens when you miss someone you know you can't live without. You just want that chair to be full again. You just want them to be sitting on it once again. The real tragedy is, that they probably want the same, because they miss you too.            
