October 19, 2024


Warm loving souls are fragile. There is nothing wrong with that.  However, there will come a time in which these souls shall learn how to protect themselves, mostly from their own thoughts and feelings. 

When you love someone's soul, you don't necessarily think much of your compatibility with each other. You love their genuine smile, their voice, their eyes, their presence and the way they carry themselves. You want to stop time and hug them forever. 

But, you forget that, as much as you are, they are humans too, they have goals, interests and values that might be extremely different from yours. 

That is what you call "the universe" who's in charge of showing you in a way or another how compatible you are and it is your responsibility and choice to either continue or refrain from spending your time and energy on that person.

You'll be united with your soulmate no matter what. For that, you should open the door. You might also need to close other doors. I wanted to share with you something Allah to us. It's in arabic so I'll do my best translating. He said:

"And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for those who reflect.".

Allah tells us that all souls were created in "pairs". One soul, one life that was meant for two people. Mutual affection and mercy are the key ingredients to a peaceful romantic life. 


I have too many things to say but i'm too sleepy I can't develop my text more. I gotta hop in the shower, pray and get ready for my long day. Wish me luck.

