Some words


Before I write anything, here is what I do. I ask myself three questions. The first question I ask myself is what do I want to write about. The second question I ask myself is who I am writing it for. And the third question I ask myself is what can I write about it. And it's only when I answer all of these three questions as honestly as possible, I start writing about it. If I can't answer all of these three questions as honestly as possible, I do not write anything about it. Because I am not one of those who write about things they know nothing of and thus they don't even understand. I am one of those who write about things they know something of and thus they somewhat understand. Sometimes there's a subject I really want to write about, but I pass on it, because I don't understand it in its entirety. Sometimes there's something I want to write about, but choose not to write about, because I don't understand it yet as completely as possible. I don't know everything there is to know about everything, but I do know a lot. And the reason why I am as difficult to understand as I am difficult to understand is because my specialty is to speak and write in metaphors, as metaphorically as I can. I do so daily, I do so every single day of my life. I do so, because that's who I am, and that's who I am always going to be. And I am proud of who I am. I see all kinds of people who pretend to be what they are not. I don't pretend to be someone I am not. If people accept me, that's okay. If they don't, that's okay too. You do not exist to be liked by everyone. Truth is, I have enemies behind my back who are ready to stab me in the back, and can't wait to stab me in the back. I have people in my life who probably want to spit into my coffee. And that's not because I am not nice, but because they consider me a threat. I don't really want to bore you anymore. Just know that I used to be part of the world you know nothing of, and I am now part of your world. And I am happy to be part of your world, because I am free of the world I used to be a part of.  
