September 19, 2024


Have a cold, mild one, first time this year, was really starting to believe my imune system was becoming just that: imune. Everything came crashind down yesterday, achy muscles, bleary eye, a touch of fever and sore throat, though since my tonsillectomy it's not really my throat that gets sore and more like the entire inside of my nose that feels like raw meet scraped into concret. It's not that bad, it was worse when I still had the tonsils. Took two vitamins C tablets, drunk lots of water and went to bed hoping somehow today would be better. Should've known better. Woke up with a runny nose and my head feeling like it weighted two fucking tons, spent the day in bed, reading romance because I really can't focus on anything more serious than two morons failling at falling in love. Then, for apparent no reason besides boredom, I remembered this app and came back to cry all my woes. 

I actually missed this, if I'm being honest, which I guess I am. It felt weird looking at my last entry and realizing it's been six months, it feels both like a lot of time and no time at all have passed. Actually feel like I already lived entire lifetimes, but if I really concentrate enough, which wouldn't be a problem if my brain didn't feel like mush, I can still picture where I was when I wrote that and what I was feeling.

So much things have happened, I feel both like I'm the same and someone else entirely. Or maybe it’s just the cold.
