Part 1 (2)


So, here we are, my friend. We are finally where I want you to be and we are finally where you want me to be. We are here to have a conversation with each other, we are here so I can have a conversation with you and you can have a conversation with me. We are here so we can share our genuine thoughts, emotions and beliefs with each other, we are here so I can be genuine with you and you can be genuine with me. But most importantly, we are here so we can share our knowledge with the world, we are here so we can maybe show the world how it truly matters, so we can maybe show the world how truly incredibly beautiful it is, and so we can maybe show the world how truly profoundly significant it is, how special it truly is in all of its heavenly, cosmical, majestic glory. And that's exactly why I called you, my dear friend. You are here because I want you to help me show the world how special it truly is the gift of life. So, let's just begin, because this may take quite a lot of time. 


You know me, dear friend. You know me better than anyone. And because you know me better than anyone you know everything there is to know about me. You know all of my flaws, you know all of my imperfections, you know all of my doubts, you know all of my fears, and you know all of my insecurities, you know all of my open thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, and you know all of my secret thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. You know where I am coming from, you know where I used to be, and you know where I am. You know me inside and out because I am your child. You know everything about my past, you know everything about my present, and you also probably know everything about my future. You know me for who I am. And thus you know that I am not an ignorant or arrogant man, and thus you know that I am not selfish or unkind, and thus you know I am not shallow or ungrateful, and thus you know I am not envious or hateful. You know that everything I ever do today is out of love and gratitude. You know that I thank you every single day of my life. You know that I am the best version of my self I can possibly be every single day of my life. You know that I don't have 

a violent bone in my body and that my soul is as pure as the souls can come. You know that I love it when I get to wake up every single day because I get to share what I know, all of my knowledge with the world. You know that I love to willingly give everything I am to the world, and graciously receive gifts, miracles, and blessings sent to me by the Universe. You know that I am no longer the man I used to be. You know that I changed my ways completely. You know that that change brought Hope into my life, Hope I needed in my life. You know how grateful I am to you and to the Universe for giving me hope. You know how much it means to be your child. You know that even though we disagree at times, we respect each other's differences. You know that I'll always follow your guidance, because you saved my life on that faithful night and actually answered me when I called after your name to the stars...  

So my question to you, my dear friend is, why did you choose to save my life, why did you choose to save me on that faithful night when I called after your name to the stars? I believe I deserve to know and I believe the whole world that's willing to listen deserves to know...


My dear child, 

you are right, I know you better than anyone. I know of everything you choose to show and I know of everything you choose to hide from the world. I know of your past, I know of your present, and you are right, I also know of your future. I know exactly what kind of a man you used to be, what kind of a man you currently are, and what kind of a man you are going to be in near or distant future. I see everything about you. I am aware of everything when it comes to you. I am aware of all of your flaws, imperfections, fears, doubts, and insecurities. I am also aware of all of your thoughts, all of your emotions, and all of your beliefs. I know exactly what you think and keep thinking about, what you feel and keep feeling about, and what you believe and keep believing about. Nothing, truly nothing can escape me. Because I am the whole Universe, and the whole Universe is me. Because I am you and you are me. We are bound. You are just as bound to me as I am bound to you. And that's why I can listen to you every single time I want to listen to you, and that's why you can listen to me every single time you want to listen to me. All you need is to pray the same way you prayed for me for the very first time on that faithful night. I heard your prayer that night, and I knew I had to answer your call. And so I answered your call. I didn't want you to give up on your life, to give up on the most precious gift I've ever given you. I wanted you to do what I want for 

every child of mine, I wanted you to live and I wanted you to keep on living. That's also why I showed you the truth about you, about me, about everything by surrounding you with my love. I knew you needed it and that why I gave it to you. I didn't expect for you to start crying. I didn't expect for you to start shedding tears. I only wanted to show you a man I sent you here to become. You weren't that man when we met that night. You were full of negativity, you were full of anger, you were full of selfish acts, you were full of shallowness, and you were ignorant and you were arrogant. But I also saw light inside of your heart. It was surrounded by darkness and yet it kept on shining. Even though your life was dark, completely dark, you still had light inside of your heart. Sadly not many have it anymore because of all the negativity that surrounds them in this world. And yet you still had it. You didn't allow anger to destroy it. You didn't allow hatred to destroy it. You didn't allow Any other emotion that's bound to hatred to destroy it. Even though you were at the lowest point in your life, at the very rock bottom of your life, because you were on the verge of losing everything, you still 

had kindness and you still had love inside of your heart. Truth is, you are special to me in every way. You are unique and thus one-of-a-kind. You are extraordinary. I can see your future, my dear child. I can see everything. I can see how you are already making a difference in the world and I can see how you'll keep on making a difference in the world. I can see how you are going to become the change you wish to see one day when the whole world's going to be ready enough to be changed. I can see the future in every child of mine. I know of all the good things you are going to do for this world. I know that your light, the light that you have inside of you is going to light up  the entire world one day. And that's why I saved you that night. Because I want you to keep making a difference. I sent you here for the same reason I sent every 

single child of mine. I sent you here so you can first make a difference in your life, second make a difference in somebody else's life, and third, make a difference in the world. And you are doing exactly that. And that's why I am grateful you invited me here, and that's why I am grateful you called after me that night. Because you are helping me and I am helping you make a difference in the world. We are all here so we can help each other and so we can offer something to each other and to this world. That's why I gave you your gift, which is incredibly beautiful piece of writing through which you can AND YOU WILL inspire the whole wide world. 


