Part 1


Dear God, 

I can still remember when we first met. 

I can still remember the day when I first met you and I can thus still remember the day when you first met me. 

I can still remember how it happened for me and how it happened for you, how it happened for both of us. 

I can still remember the rock bottom of my life, when I was on the very verge of losing everything and I needed someone special to talk to, when I needed to be listened to. 

I can still remember how you actually talked to me, how you actually listened to me, 

how you actually entered into my life, how you actually arrived into my life, how I actually LET you INTO my life. 

I can still remember how I allowed you the entrance into my heart and how I allowed you the entrance into my soul. 

I can still remember how you answered my question, when I needed my question to be answered. 

I can still remember how difficult it was to answer, and yet what a simple answer you gave me. 

I can still remember how incredibly touched I was about your answer when you answered me. 

I can still remember how I started crying when I first heard your answer. How I couldn't stop shedding tears when I became aware of all of your powerful words. 

When I became aware what you meant with your powerful words. When I became aware what you were trying to tell me. 

I can still remember thanking you for answering me. 

I can still remember all the love you surrounded me with on that faithful night. 

I can still remember how you touched me with your love exactly where I needed to be touched with your love. 

Your love made me see me, made me see myself, my life, made my see my very own experience of life differently, in a whole new light, in such a way I have never seen my life and in such a way I have never experienced my life before. 

Your love made me realize that life is incredibly beautiful, that my life is still incredibly beautiful even though I made a complete mess of my life. 

I can still remember its embrace when I thought I was lost and everything was over and done with. 

Truth is, you changed me. 

On that faithful night when I was thinking about ending it all, you became my loyal friend, and I became your loyal friend. 

On that faithful night I promised myself to give myself a chance, to give my incredibly beautiful life a chance, and to give a chance to you, the creator of such incredibly beauty that is life. 

On that faithful night, I became the one who listens to you always and always understands your powerful words. 

On that faithful night, I promised myself to find my true meaning, to find my true calling, and to find my true purpose in life. 

On that faithful night I promised myself to become the very best version of myself I can possibly be. 

On that faithful night, I promised myself that I AM going to make a difference in the world one day, and that one day I AM going to become the change I wish to see in the world. 

I promised myself to follow your guidance. 

Wherever you guided me, I would go. 

And you did, God. 

You guided me, and you still keep on guiding me. 

It's because of you I keep experiencing this incredibly beautiful life of mine in completely different way, it's because of you, I am making a difference in the world, it's because of you I am slowly becoming the change I wish to see in the world. 

It's because of you, I am daily the very best version of myself I can possibly be. It's because of you, I am happy, it's because of you, I'm madly, deeply, and truly loved, and it's because of you, I am completely free of my past and of my addiction. 

It's because of your words I am still alive, 

it's because of your words on that faithful night 

I still live. 

And that's why I invite you, my dear friend, 

to help me share my story with the world. 

I invite you to write my story with me. 

I invite you to share your own opinions of my 

story with me. I invite you to listen to me, 

whenever you get a chance to listen to me. 

I invite you to share your powerful words with the world 

as I share my own powerful words with the world. 

I invite you, because the truth is that I need you, 

the truth is that I'll always need you. 

The truth is that I still need to listen to your words 

and I'll always need to listen to your words. 

Not because they help me as I go through life, 

but because they are completely filled with your love and your grace. Help me make this world a much better place. 

Answer my questions as honestly as you can, 

and I'll answer your questions as honestly as I can. 

Show me your world and allow me to show you mine. 

Share your perspective and allow me to share my own perspective. 

Let's make a difference, let's transform, let's change something about this world. You were there for me when I needed you, and you are still there for me when I need you. 

Let's have this conversation. Let's talk, let's remember. My past, my mistakes, my everything. Everything I did do, everything I didn't do, and everything I did wrong and everything I did right. I want to show all the people how much they matter. I want to show all the people they are all special and beautiful in their very own way, and they are all your creations. 

I want to show all the people how much they really mean to this world, and what they can do for each other and what they can do for this world, what they can offer to each other and what they can offer to this world. 

Thank you, God, for always standing behind me, thank you, God, for always guiding me, and thank you, God, for always protecting me. Thank you, God, for saving me when I needed to be saved. Thank you, God, for allowing me to see reality. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. And that is why I'll always be grateful and thus you'll always have my gratitude. 

So where do we begin? 

At the very beginning of course. 

The moment when I first opened my eyes 

and entered this world with incredibly 

beautiful gift of life.                      
